"When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands." Deuteronomy 24:19
Fields of Promise was founded in April of 2006 by Steve and Pam Zicker. After adopting a four year old from Ethiopia in 2005, they felt called to move to Ethiopia as a family to the northern part of Ethiopia, the Tigray region, to the capitol city of Mekelle.
The Zicker family of six moved to Ethiopia in July of 2006 . Their kids were 5,6,8,and 9. Steve taught at Mekelle University Veterinary School in partnership with a US Government grant while Pam homeschooled the kids and used her clinical social work skills to assess community needs and seek out sustainable ways to make an impact in Tigray. A long-term relationship with an indigenous NGO, Operation Rescue Ethiopia (ORE) was launched in 2007, as well as plans to continue to support veterinary development in the country through the veterinary school.
It was an amazing year for all six Zickers. That incredible year, combined with the $70,000 in donations that were given in response to their invitation to friends and family to join them in adventure, launched Fields of Promise (FOP). Since 2007, Pam has volunteered as the Executive Director which involves making about two trips per year to check on programs, evaluate further needs, and deliver supplies.
They have enjoyed seeing so many others join the FOP team by travelling to Ethiopia, becoming faithful donors, or serving on the Board of Directors. Steve and Pam both believe that God can use anyone who is willing to be His hand and feet, and encourage others to live outside of their comfort zone and watch what God will do.
Our mission as an organization is to promote God’s heart for the fatherless, bringing their plight to the awareness of the church and global community. We encourage the church as a whole to take action by praying, going, giving, sponsoring, and adopting. In countries where Fields of Promise has a humanitarian presence, this mission will expand to relieving and eliminating problems associated with poverty, blindness, special medical needs, and educational deficits.
Since it's inception, FOP has believed that partnering with local, indigenous NGO's who are already on the ground and staffed by Ethiopians is the best strategy for effective ministry. By providing funds and support, we can enable the Ethiopian staff to do their jobs more effectively and to serve in the proper cultural context. Rather than simply sending funds, FOP ensures program effectiveness and fiscal accountability by making bi-annual visits. We maintain regular contact with the NGO staff, gather updates on the children and sponsored students, and give direction about various aspects of program management. We feel completely blessed to be in partnership with Operation Rescue Ethiopia (ORE), a local NGO based in Mekelle, SENEthiopia, an organization advocating for those with special needs, Imago Dei, a new organization formed to help provide spiritual mental health counseling in the aftermath of the war, and Mekelle University Veterinary School colleagues who help provide hope in Ethiopia through educational empowerment and veterinary development.
Our Board of Directors consists of volunteers across the US who believe in our mission and serve administratively, as a governing board in decision-making, and by traveling to help monitor projects. The following are our current board members:
Steve Zicker
co-founder, Secretary
Pam Zicker
co-founder, Volunteer Executive Director, Financial Oversight
Valerie Smith
Board President, Financial Oversight
Mark Woodward
Member at Large
Marta Woodward
Member at Large
Julie Lesslie
Member at Large
Ephraim Bird
Member at Large
Jamie Driggers
Member at Large